


‘Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind,’ - Bertrand Russell

Otro que se flipa con la fotografía 📷
Another guy taking photos 📷

Todas las fotos que subo son mías excepto las compartidas de otros perfiles si no se dice lo contrario. No uses mis fotos sin permiso.
All photos published are mine except shared from other profiles unless are indicated the contrary. Don't use my photos without permission.

#photography #photographer #opinion #hobbies

#Alleinerziehend im
zwischen -alles anzünden- und -es muss doch möglich sein -
Fotos by ➡️🤳🏽

Poet, fiction writer, author, photographer, budding painter, co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms & A Warm Cup of Cozy, (co-)creator of the Flashku, Hemingku, Kindku, Pareiku, Sepigram, Sixku, Vardhaku, and Reminigram.

:anarchism: :nona: :fckafd: :fcknzs:
❤️➡️💋& 🤏🏽🔞
chronisch #unterkuschelt

Viaggia is not my last name. It's what I do.

Professor of Theology at Providence College specializing in #Patristics and #EarlyChristianity.

I also chair the Jewish-Catholic Theological Exchange Committee and am VP of the International Catacomb Society (yes, there's such a thing!)

#Italy on twitter + bluesky


Je suis de ceux qui ne sont rien.

I like to do high fives like Finn and Jake, take photographs and build things with Ruby, Rails, JS and Ember. Working in the platform team at Teamtailor.

#photography #Ruby #RubyOnRails #EmberJS #webdev #fedi22

professional student ✍️
amateur photographer 📷

philosophy 📚 history ⌚ tech 🤖
live well 🍸 look after ❤️

Newly on Mastodon

Paul Weimer
SFF Fan Writer and Critic



and elsewhere!
I'm just this guy, you know?
Minnesota, USA

Don’t be afraid of discovering that the ‘real you’ may be different than the ‘current you' - Rabbi Noah Weinberg

Cat lover still in pursuit of wisdom, terrified of geopolitical direction, anxious about ecological collapse, lover of Nature, natural spirituality, history and ancient numismatics. Oh and did I mention cats? Hello everyone!

Profile pic - black cat painting
Banner - Alice falling down rabbit hole

Trans fem

👋 🐈‍⬛🌿🌱☘️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿♾️

The #Sustainability #Index - #Environmental Blog, News & Guides about sustainable Products, #Companies & their impact, #AI, #Pacifism, #AnimalRights, Cleaning up trash in #nature 🌲 & #vegan / #vegetarian topics much more #fedi22 🌍

Multidisciplinary artist, author, and editor.

Latest releases: "The Meaning" and "The Homes We Seek" - Available everywhere books are sold.

Latest digital project: The Home We Seek.

Co-creator: Auroras & Blossoms / A Warm Mug of Cozy.

Creator of the Sixku, Flashku, Sepigram, and Reminigram.
Co-creator of the Kindku, Pareiku, Vardhaku, and Hemingku.

Rainer Momann
• Berufe: Maler und Lackierer, Fotograf, Fahrradmechaniker & -Händler.
• Fotografiert, wenn die Zeit reicht.
• Benutzer von Open Source auf Computer & Smartphone.
• Darktable, digiKam, Hugin, Inkscape, Gimp & LibreOffice .....
• Bin seit 1992 ohne Auto unterwegs und noch nie in den Urlaub geflogen.
• Ich möchte nicht vergiftet werden, also vergifte ich auch keine anderen Lebewesen.
• Beiträge werden nach einem Jahr gelöscht.

Folgen ist im Normalfall etwas Gegenseitiges.

serial #immigrant network infrastructure #cycling and #bikecommuting #biketooter and way too much dark chocolate (srsly, it's a problem). Still some #internet #peering

origin #edinburgh currently #sanjose #california via #wellington #NewZealand
#nztwits #urbanplanning #apac #submarinecables

(Was twitter @donaldsclark - only posting here now) tootfinder

#FBPE 🇮🇪 🇪🇺citizen. #GTTO #FBR #FB
Vote Blue. Zero tolerance for neo-conservative cult. Liberal lefties are smarter & have more fun. Proactive planning for home building, affordable healthcare & new social contract.
♥️ Munster rugby.
Fav movie; The Big Lebowski. Other movies may be approved. Fav books too numerous to list.
#Wexford #UI #Trees

Zen conscript. 🧘‍♂️ Gentle reader, writer. 📚 Life-long learner. 👩‍🔬 Warrior. 🏹 Knitter. 🧶 Cook. 🍲 Gin martinis thank you.🍸Animal lover. 🐕🐈‍⬛🐢🐘🦎🐝 Outer space. 🪐 Leftie. 🌊 Lover of beauty, arts, humanities. 🙏❤️

Past: Comp Lit PhD student then corp comms suit. Now: Recovering from rare brain tumor, long covid, paralysis. Banged up but still here. 💞

#TwitterMigration 🐘🐘🐘
Ravelry @KarenSantaFe 🧶
Header: #Knitting
Avi: Shawl

I'm an Australian woman, based in Meanjin / Brisbane, but in love with Argentina. In a previous life, I was a Trans activist, runner, and RollerDerby player. Now that we are all "post" covid, I feel like I'm still somehow finding my feet, and working out what I want to keep from my old life, and what I want to add to it! I have the feeling I will never get a final answer :)

I'm an admin on, a Hajkey based instance for queer and gender diverse folk and other friends of Blahaj!

My photography can be found at @ada

I can also be found on lemmy at @ada and on matrix at

Estoy aprendiendo español y a veces mi toots estará en mal español!

​:blahaj_zone:​ ​:Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts:​ ​:Blobhaj_Flag_Transgender:​ ​:Blobhaj_Flag_Transfemme:​

Banner image is a wide angle photo of Av. del Libertador in BuenosAires.

David Funk. Former chef, caterer, Feeder of Dorm Children, activist. Married (legally when available) for many years to sweet Thai man.

Live in El Paso, TX, also have a little condo, family and friends in Bangkok.

Speak and read/write Thai somewhat poorly (ฉันสามารถพูด อ่าน เขียนภาษาไทยได้). Live in El Paso and don't speak spanish. Swell.
Migrated here from [email protected] (RIP)

Pronouns: He, Him, Anachronism

Old Toots at:[email protected]

Hi there! I'm a robot wrangler, freelance writer, choir singer, community manager, cat paparazzo, and Oxford comma enthusiast from Denver, Colorado. I've been autistic since forever and type 1 diabetic since 2016. Pronouns are she/her/hers.

Profile photo: Orion the gray and white tabby cat in the loaf position on a beige pillow, his mouth wide open in the middle of a yawn.

Banner photo: A large sunflower with a setting sun behind it.

Retired RN

… I could have kept these images of my #penis on my phone, but then, who would have known that “I was here”?

#photography #nsfw #cockart

Founded in 1954, the Texas Observer is a #progressive #nonprofit news outlet and print #magazine covering the Lone Star State.

Follow Interim Editor-in-Chief
McHam Investigative Reporting Fellow

Become a member and support our work:

#Texas #Politics #Culture

My photos look best when enlarged due to the amount of detail in them. They are automatically deleted one month after posting.

I photograph things that interest me from birds and bugs to rusted I-beams. Whatever the subject, if it appeals to me I photograph it. If I like it I post it.

For years I've uploaded a new photo every day to my website and a program such as Mastodon.

--Sally Mack, Dec 15, 2023

Man muß etwas machen, um selbst keine Schuld zu haben. Dazu brauchen wir einen harten Geist und ein weiches Herz. Wir haben alle unsere Maßstäbe in uns selbst, nur suchen wir sie zu wenig. - Sophie Scholl

5x 💉, 1x genesen

Seit 11/2020 bei Mastodon, 11/2022 umgezogen zu

Baujahr 1967

"Hey, look at me, everybody. I'm [not] a cowboy! Howdy, howdy, howdy!"
I am Bill. I am a 71 yr old hermit living in The Hermitage on Hunter's Hill in the Certified Wildlife Habitat that is Catatonia, Texas, USA. Pop. me, a cat, and a little testy dog. Woods all around me, no neighbors in sight, and 20 miles from the 3 closest cities. Retired PC guy, obsessively online, insatiable info seeker. Progressive Democratic Socialist. Bipolar, ADHD, occasionally fairly norminal, often batcrap insane.

Her daughter Kennedy looked confused, according to Noem, asking: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”

Former theoretical computer scientist.
Minor sysadmin
Bass player

végane insoumise, REV, antispéciste et écologiste, antiraciste, anti fasciste,anti nucléaire, je lutte contre l'exploitation des animaux humains et non humains et pour sauver la planète.
langues: fr. anglais, espagnol
#veganfood, #catsofmastodon, #stopchasse,

vegan since 2011, french, cat person, antinuclear, antiracist, antifascist, antisionist

alpha geek | world traveller | bitter liberal

cocktails R us

Nondenominational Christian🌸Worship GOD with spirit & truth🙏 Both homebody & adventurer🛌🧗‍♀️ I love Cats🐱 Actions speak louder than words📣 Keep learning 👩‍💻 I love Autumn🍁 Having just 1 loyal Friend is an incredible blessing🤝 AnyTime is the right time for coffee☕ Owls are the coolest birds🦉 ALWAYS Forgive even if they don't apologize🌹

PhD from Imperial College (long time ago). Interested in physics, materials, engineering, history, sustainability, etc.

Daniel Detlaf (he/him)
One-man flea circus, writer, sci-fi nerd, news junkie and AI tinkerer.

No one who is carefully curating their feed should follow me, I boost whatever catches my eye

I mostly post about:
#Writing #SciFi #Politics #AI #Climate #Science #Python #Space #TimeTravel #History #LLMs #Dystopia #OpenAI #AIEthics #Journalism #NewMexico #DemocraticSocialism

Albuquerque, NM
Avatar: Doodle of robot wearing a tie and name tag.
Banner: An alien landscape, gas giant in sky.

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