
If you use firefox, check out these 55 single-function addons to improve life (all same dev; not me) (

Recently I found this developer who has published dozens of small, useful extensions for firefox. Nothing groundbreaking that I know of but everything looks to have been made with care to efficiency and minimal permissions to do one thing well. Each has its own github repo where the developer responds to issues.... is blocking all requests from /kbin Instances (

I discovered yesterday evening that is blocking all inbound ActivityPub requests from /kbin instances. Specifically, a 403 'access denied' is returned when the user agent contains "kbinBot" anywhere in the string. This has been causing a cascade of failures with federation for many server owners, flooding the message...

I created a site that helps people search the fediverse (

I had been having trouble getting meaningful results from the fediverse on Google, and after seeing this post, it seems I'm not the only one. So, I created a site that helps search the fediverse in your search engine of choice (it currently supports Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Dogpile)....

An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance (

On a Wednesday morning in May, Hannah got a call from her lawyer—there was a warrant out for her husband’s arrest. Her thoughts went straight to her kids. They were going to come home from school and their father would be gone. “It burned me,” Hannah says, her voice breaking. “He hasn’t done anything to get his bond...

Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you? (

As a former redditor I am glad to have found a new "home" and I hope I'm not intruding. Nevertheless, we are all a huge migration that is bound to change how kbin works and we're bound to piss off some pre-migration Keebinetters. The fact you guys were here before and not in reddit makes evident you don't want this to become a...

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